Football tennis, commonly referred to as futnet or Soccer Tennis USA, is an exciting and dynamic sport that brings together the best of football and tennis. This unique fusion of two beloved games has captured the hearts of sports enthusiasts worldwide. Whether played indoors or outdoors, on a sunny day or a rainy afternoon, futnet guarantees thrilling matches that leave both players and spectators on the edge of their seats.
The game is played on a specially designed court, divided by a low net that challenges players to display their agility, coordination, and precision. Each team consists of one, two, or three players, working in harmony to outwit their opponents and emerge victorious.
The objective of football tennis is simple yet challenging: score a point by skillfully hitting the football with any part of the body except for the hands and making it bounce within the opponent's area in a way that denies them the opportunity to return it over the net. This requires not only deft footwork but also strategic thinking and teamwork.

Players showcase their creativity as they employ various techniques to outmaneuver their opponents. Precise volleys, cunning lobs, and well-timed headers are just a few of the maneuvers used to keep the ball in play and seize an advantage. It's a fast-paced game where split-second decisions can make all the difference between victory and defeat.
Futnet has gained popularity not only for its engaging gameplay but also for its inclusivity. With different team sizes, players of various ages and skill levels can participate, making it a sport that welcomes everyone to join in on the fun. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a newcomer to the world of sports, football tennis offers a thrilling and accessible experience for all.
The sport's origins can be traced back to the Czech Republic and Slovakia, where it was initially known as "nohejbal." Over the years, its appeal spread internationally, leading to its rebranding as "futnet" and even earning the moniker "Soccer Tennis USA" in the United States.
As futnet continues to gain traction worldwide, its community of passionate players and fans grows ever larger. The growth rate of the fan base is, of course, not as high as in esports (for example, in CS:GO, even Gambling Sites enjoy immense popularity), but still very high.Tournaments, leagues, and friendly matches are held regularly, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and competition among enthusiasts.
In conclusion, football tennis, or futnet, is an enthralling blend of football and tennis that captivates participants and observers alike. With its diverse gameplay, strategic elements, and inclusive nature, futnet has secured its place as a beloved sport that brings people together to share moments of excitement, skill, and teamwork. So, whether you're a football aficionado, a tennis enthusiast, or simply seeking an exhilarating new experience, futnet awaits, ready to welcome you into its energetic and joyous realm.

Back in 1922, members of the football club Slavia Prague began a new game they dubbed 'football over the rope'. At the outset, this game involved playing with a horizontally suspended rope, which was later replaced by a net. Each team typically consisted of two or three players who were allowed to touch the ball three times, ensuring that no individual player could touch it twice in succession. The only body parts allowed for ball contact were everything except for the arms. Moreover, players were permitted to let the ball bounce once between their touches, for up to three times, before passing it to the opposing side.
In 1940, the game was formalized with the establishment of the first official rules. This led to the inaugural futnet cup in 1940 and the introduction of the first league, known as Trampská Liga, held between 1953 and 1961. Recognizing the rising popularity of futnet, it was finally acknowledged as an official sport by the Czechoslovak Sports Organisation (ČSTV) in 1961, leading to the formation of the Prague Futnet Commission. The sport continued to gain momentum, and in 1971, the "Český nohejbalový svaz" (Czech Futnet Association) was established, followed by the "Výbor nohejbalového zväzu SÚV ČSTV" (Slovak Futnet Association) in 1974.
Throughout the years, official international competitions have been a prominent feature. Since 1991, European championships have been regularly held, and from 1994, the world championships also took place, further solidifying futnet's global presence.
"In 1987, the International Footballtennis Association (IFTA) was established, which later underwent a name change to FIFTA, the Federation International de Footballtennis Association. Subsequently, in 2010, some former FIFTA members came together and formed the Union Internationale de Futnet (UNIF) with the aim of governing, regulating, and promoting the sport of futnet. Over time, more nations joined UNIF's ranks, solidifying its authority in the futnet community. As of December 2012, UNIF boasted a membership of 17 countries.
During April 2010, the European Futnet Association (EFTA) was inaugurated in Marseille, France. The primary objective of EFTA was to rejuvenate the sport of futnet in Europe, where it had previously stagnated under FIFTA's management. EFTA's current membership includes prominent European countries such as Switzerland, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Ireland, Basque Country, Denmark, England, Poland, Ukraine, and Austria. Notably, EFTA operates as the continental branch of UNIF, representing and overseeing futnet activities across Europe." Recently, major betting platforms like Parimatch have started accepting bets on the biggest footnet tournaments.

One player, two touches, one bounce in all categories, court dimensions 9 m × 12.8 m.

Two players, three touches (but not two consecutive touches by the same player), one bounce allowed for men and two bounces for women and juniors, court dimensions 9 m × 12.8 m.

Three players, three touches (but not two consecutive touches by the same player), one bounce allowed for men and two for women and juniors, court dimensions 9 m × 18 m.
In all disciplines, a set concludes when one side achieves 11 points with a two-point lead over the opponent, and the highest attainable score is 15:14. To win a match, a team must secure victory in 2 sets. The net's height measures 1.10 m, and players are strictly forbidden from touching it during the game; any such infringement awards a point to the opposing team.
The futnet ball resembles a football in size but is specially designed with 32 panels of synthetic or natural leather, expertly glued to ensure durability. When appropriately inflated, the ball should bounce more than half a meter.
Unlike in volleyball, if the ball strikes the net and returns to the side of the team attempting to hit it over, it is considered out of play and cannot be returned by the same team.
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